My Edited Life
Finding Beauty in the Simple
I am super present to how sacred our lives are AND how we interact with life around us...
A few years ago, I took on having 'less' I wasn't sure what that was about OR how that even looked; I knew I wanted to feel weightless or lighter but wasn't sure what that meant. I have had other times in my life where I felt like the minimalistic life was calling to me but was way too consumed by the external.
My husband and I went from a 4000sq ft home which was perfect when I moved from CA because I had enough furniture to fit everything into that home, AND I was pretty miserable. We bought a 1700 sq ft home with a detached 500sq ft studio.
I knew I wanted to less, AND it felt overwhelming to look at it all.
For two years, I have been letting go of things, ridding myself of items I do not connect to; I have rid myself of clothes, shoes, and purses that cost more than a car payment, debt, people, trinkets, old paperwork, beliefs, thoughts, and the idea that more is better.
When we bought this land, it felt like it had called us to reclaim its beauty and heart. We felt deeply connected to it, AND it wasn't pleasant. It has taken more time than I would like ( I am pretty impatient), and some of me prefers sexy over safety and utility, and it needed those parts first.
Not easy for this immediate gratification woman who wants to walk in and have all of the amenities now!
In a time when new, modern, and quick fixes are in - we choose slow, honoring, compassion and joy.
The impetus to have less in my life was that I could not honor what I had and had a deep desire in honoring the present.
What is it like to keep thyself in a slow loving way? What would it be like to let go of things I no longer served or served me? What could it be like to have quality 'things' I enjoyed without the 'large pricetag' or that was not authentically who I am?
{I love nice things} it isn't about a price tag; rather, if you do not honor what you buy and have sacredness in what you wear or surround yourself with, what is the point?
Editing my life has become one of the most beautifully challenging things I have ever done. It required me to let go of the mini dopamine hits; it required me to do an inventory of what was important to ME. It required me to look at where the energy was moving and where mine was stuck; it required me to look at all the ways I participated in my suffering and projection. It required me to look at relationships and friendships that I was holding onto that I no longer served or was serving me; it required me to commit to something bigger than myself.
Beautifully Challenging
Editing my life has become one of the most beautifully challenging things I have ever done.
It allowed for manifestation and growth from within to and flourish.
It has given me a metaphor for what I do in the world with humans as they embark on the journey of rehoming their souls from an external to an internal focus.
An Edited life requires a level of consciousness that we need to forge into a new way of living that is sustainable for us and all living things.
If you allow yourself the breathing room - Your life will change.... When you can breathe, you can let go.
An 'Edited Life' is not something we do once - rather, it is something we are in process with daily.